
The Leadership Academy was launched September 2018.  It's aim is to provide bespoke training through a range of professional pathways from NQT to CEO and for all support staff, enabling each member to progress in their career.  Through the Performance Management Review process, staff members are encouraged and enabled to plan for their future (in the Trust or elsewhere) by being part of a group or groups that will both develop them for their current role and for the future.

The key purposes of the Leadership Academy are:

  • to aid recruitment and retention
  • preparing for succession, and
  • equipping staff to be effective in school to school support across the Trust.

CPD groups meet by arrangement and are led by both internal and external skilled professionals.  Sessions take place as virtual meetings, face to face and by email/Google Hangout.  Some are held on a Friday afternoon (as academies finish at 1.30pm for this purpose as well as staff wellbeing).

The bespoke nature of the sessions has been central in the high satisfaction ratings which are collected and analysed by the training team.  Sessions are planned across next year. The whole enterprise is under continual evaluation to ensure that the quality, motivation and engagement are not lost.

Participants also access other training through a local Training School Alliance, Essex County Council and other providers.

Currently a number of teachers are aspiring and preparing for leadership including Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads and Headteacher roles.

Inspiration for the Leadership Academy was taken from entrepreneur Richard Branson:


The SEAT commitment is:

Work with South Essex Academy Trust and we will collaborate in your professional development; challenge you to aspire and make good progress; innovate to meet these aims and support you to persevere within your personal context.  

Our Academies

South Essex Academy Trust
Beresford Close, Hadleigh, Essex SS7 2SU
TEL: 01702 559467
FAX: 01702 552048

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